BNX FINEX : A whole New Crypto Platform

Manish Bhandari
4 min readNov 20, 2020



BNX FINEX is a cryptocurrency exchange that supports a wide variety of crypto assets for trading. It offers investors a friendly, easy-to-use trading platform with a wide range of good products programmed by Bnxfinex on a variety of devices to assist clients in trading anytime, anywhere. The best technique to pay cautiously is considered to support the customer and reduce the botches that habitually occur in the portion usually. Believe it or not, the standard technique for a portion is as of now essentially cleared out superseded by mechanized portions.


The experts working with Bnxfinex are those who understand the market, customer psychology and are on a mission to bring Bnxfinex’s products to more than 100 countries worldwide. Exchanges, possessing a strong support team with a large number of consumers globally. Under this game plan of trading, vendors’ character is kept obscure while the organization of middle people is completely skipped. We are continuously going to a mechanical period where handling power is the fuel of present-day development. PC taking care of intensity is relied upon to fuel the ever creating and rising pieces of emerging development. Man-made cognizance, PC created reality, expanded reality, appropriated figuring, and blockchain development, just to make reference to a couple.

NX Trade endeavors to top tier supercars. In any case, concerning searching for food supplies or buying a latte in your most adored bistro, it has gotten back to antiquated fiat financial principles. Computerized cash offers a wonderful level of security and confirmation with respect to the limit and move of characteristics. Its disintermediation of standard budgetary structure and decentralized help transport has profited countless people all around the world by offering permission to direct money related organizations.

Envision a situation where there was an answer that allowed customers to experience cryptographic types of cash as adequately as cash without the need to rearrange different wallets or use pariah organizations to change over it.


BNX FINEX Supports a wide variety of crypto assets, Major cryptocurrency pairs and their trading activity available on an exchange. This service is quite large but very simple. Traders from around the globe will be able to use the platform and be part of the ecosystem’s potential growth. Major crypto assets have been listed and beyond is one way.

Friendly and smooth exchange interface. It is important to provide users with the best trading experience with the market. There is a 24/7 online customer support for traders to assist. This will ensure all transactions go through. Liquidity is also a major factor that many exchanges fail to achieve. Without sufficient liquidity, the trader will not be able to use the platform easily. Liquidity will be delivered across 250 market parameters with cutting-edge technology and infrastructure.

A multi-model structure will make the most important thing possible and that’s its security features. With the best front and back design along with diversified designs to provide customers with stable business operations. A lot of layer security has been implemented to prevent the hack from working and any execution fields.


BNX FINEX is based on ERC-20 chain.

  • Token Name: BNX Token
  • Symbol: BNX
  • Total Volume: 12.000.000

All the BNX Tokens are Distributed as Follows:

  • Marketing: 2.000.000
  • Savings: 3.000.000
  • The Community Fund: 3.000.000
  • The Foundation Fund: 4.000.000

Significant cryptographic money sets and their exchanging action accessible on a trade. This administration is very enormous however exceptionally straightforward.


BNX is the most complete endeavor climate chipping away at the Square. Being one of the chief stage stages to be made, this association needs to recognize and help money related experts with anguishing more over the financial inadequacy that many are suffering on the planet in the possibility of normal assistance as an endeavor that can be exchanged by enrolled customers in this blockchain. BNX FINEX is one of the results of the improvement of the blockchain advancement that has experienced extraordinary execution and astonishing musings subject to a structure that clearly opens up open entryways for theorists to be more open with delegate adventures.

Cryptocurrencies are a position to be big and one of the fastest growing financial industries. There are over 300 active exchanges, most of which provide enough liquidity for the market. BNXFINEX can be a safe place for traders around the world. With many types of services, it can attract traders and investors to its ecosystem.

Know more About BNX FINEX Here in Official Social Medias :



Bitcointalk Username: ManishBhandari007
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=2835813
Tron Wallet Address: 0xffAd4836B73A1CE5D86230e98Cb3E52cde35379e

